Hi friends!
If you follow us on social media you know that Arlynd got a piece of fiberglass in his eye this weekend, and it was a really difficult process that ended in the ER. Eye scratches and injuries are scary and sooo painful! Seeing my ROCK in so much discomfort and feeling helpless was heartbreaking to say the least!
So many of you reached out with sincere prayers and words of encouragement and we cannot say how thankful we are for this incredible community that feels like an extended family! Honestly you guys and your prayers carry us through so many difficult seasons and we are forever grateful!
We are reminded daily how quickly ASEA works when you have an acute injury! Arlynd upped the amount he normally drinks, and used the liquid in his eyes directly to help flush it out and speed up healing.
In our experience, it works so much better and faster than standard eye drops (which don’t contain redox molecules but in some cases contain harmful chemicals that will give negative side effects).
Hopefully you won’t experience what he did this weekend, but IF you do, having some ASEA on hand to speed up cellular healing is the best advice we can give you.
Moving on…(literally) How are your bowels moving?
We hope sharing our experience in the last email helped some of you get things flowing more smoothly.
But, as we get closer to starting our parasite cleanse, we want to make sure you are all hydrating enough, and hopefully have a plan to do some sweating!
Hydration and sweating are a VERY important part of detoxing, rebalancing the body, and are a core foundation to health!
Drinking 1/2 your body weight in oz per day is a great start…and if you exercise, sweat, drink alcohol or coffee, live in a hot climate, or have a chronic illness, you’re going to need more.
…and you want to get the most out of all the liquids you drink.
You’d be surprised how many people drink 1/2 or more of their body weight in water and are still dehydrated.
It’s because the liquid is not getting into their cells and tissues. The liquid is just going straight through them without being absorbed.
1. Make sure you’re drinking clean, filtered water. Here are a few good options for home filtration systems:
2. Add electrolytes….not to every glass of water, but to at least 1-2 per day. Here are a few options…
We want the information to absorb into your cells and tissues, this along with sweating helps support your body to expel toxins out through the skin.
I didn’t sweat for years and countless people have told me on IG that they don’t sweat either. (you can check out my sweat highlights on IG for over 100 informational videos on this)
The more consistent you can be with sweating during a detox, parasite protocol, or just in life, the healthier you will be (as long as you’re refueling/remineralizing).
Infrared saunas are an incredible tool to help you sweat and move toxins out through the skin. Sweating from a sauna actually does a deeper clean than sweating from exercise as it also helps pull out heavy metals, calms your nervous system, and provides countless other benefits. You can check out my Sauna highlights on IG for lots of details and benefits!
We’ve been using Therasage’s infrared saunas for years as part of our detox and maintenance routine.
For those of you who CANNOT seem to sweat…we need to get your lymph moving and your sweat glands open…
Here are some tips:
Once you’ve opened up your sweat glands and your lymph is moving, sweating through a sauna or exercise will be much easier!
If you go through a detox or parasite protocol dehydrated, or aren’t sweating, you'll likely have more symptoms and it will be much less comfortable!
If you drink plenty of water, absorb the water, and are sweating daily, you should have a good experience and come out the other side feeling better than before!
Only a few days before we start on the 16th. We hope you join us, especially those who have already completed a 7, 14, or 21 day liver detox! (code YORIZE for all Equilife protocols)
But remember, this is a 2 month protocol and you are welcome to start at any time!
The head of our IHP program, Kate Mills (rootcausekate), who has had Lyme and other chronic illnesses for over 20 years, had her entire life changed after completing a parasite cleanse!
Not only did she have 50+ food sensitivities disappear, she also stopped having seizures, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and every symptom you can imagine.
This protocol, in combination with the Functional Medicine Detox, were pivotal in her healing journey. She went from bed ridden with 24 hour a day migraines for years on end (and every symptom you can imagine), to completely symptom free and running multiple businesses (including being an integral part of ours!)
We will do an IG “LIVE” with her in the next few weeks so you all can get to know her and her incredible story of rising from the ashes!!!
We hope you join us at some point!…and share what comes out in the toilet, inside our Access Yorize community “poop pics” channel :)
Angi, Arlynd, and the kids
P.s. If you missed any of our past newsletters, you can find them below! We pack SOOOO much education into them and know they sometimes get missed. Here are links for the last few…
P.p.s. Our Access Yorize community and Integrative Health Practitioners are already supporting people through parasite cleansing as we speak! If you want to get a visual of how successful these protocols can be, or just get LOTS of your questions answered…dive into the Parasite channels inside the community!
Some of the links in this email are affiliate links, meaning we will receive a small commission if you order through the link. You can check out our affiliate disclosure here. We appreciate your support!
Join our email community!
ANGI + ARLYND A JOURNEY OF PHYSICAL GROWTH Hey friends, I’ve been on IG for almost 15 yrs now and some of you have been with me from the very beginning! Through the darkest seasons of divorce, death, and depression…to the most beautiful, challenging seasons of pregnancy + postpartum. All seasons of growth, resilience + becoming HRD // KLL ❤️ There are many downsides to social media, but I’m forever grateful for the IG platform + community we have been able to form. I’m constantly in awe of...
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